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Obstructions in the Workplace
Unit: Fire and Evacuation Procedures

Obstructions as a Safety Hazard

Corridors should never be used as storage areas.

You should never leave any objects eg stock, rubbish, clients property in the corridors for any length of time. Even though you may feel that there is adequate room for people to get by, in an emergency situation items could get knocked over and cause delays in evacuation which could have serious consequences. Clients or colleagues my have to use wheelchairs or baby buggies and will need more room to manoeuvre.

Corridors should not be used to park up buggies/wheelchairs

Buggies or wheelchairs should never be parked in a corridor for any length of time, as this partial obstruction could prevent others including clients with either wheelchairs or buggies from being able to get by.

Exits signs to be kept clear

All escape exits must be clearly visible.

Exits to be kept clear

The exit door must be kept completely clear at all times .

Obstructions as a Safety Hazard