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Types of Cartilage
Unit: Cell Structure


Cartilage is a type of connective tissue which is tough, semi-transparent, elastic and flexible. There are three different types of cartilaginous tissue:

Types of Cartilage




Hyaline cartilage

Hyaline cartilage is semi-transparent and appears bluish-white in colour. It is extremely strong, but very flexible and elastic. At joint surfaces it provides a cushioning function and a smooth gliding surface. In the trachea it prevents the trachea wall from caving in.

It is found in the trachea, the larynx, the tip of the nose, in the connection between the ribs and the breastbone and also the ends of bone where it form joints.

Elastic cartilage

This cartilage contains more elastic fibres. It helps maintain shape and flexibility, it also provides support.

It is found in the internal and external ear and parts of the larynx.


This is the toughest of cartilage types. It acts as a shock absorber between bones and provides a high level of support.

It is found in the invertebral discs of the vertebral column and between the ball-and-socket joints in the hip and shoulder regions.